Suggested Activities and Tools Library


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Resource List

A learning tool to prepare for launching/trialling a social enterprise.

PDF document Resource List.pdf

Learning Tool

First Level
Second Level
Third / Fourth Level

Choosing Enterprise Ideas
Financial Education
Getting Ready to Launch/Trial

Funnel Tool - Enterprise

This supporting document is useful to facilitate discussions in order to agree which enterprise activity you would like to focus upon.

PDF document Funnel Tool - Enterprise.pdf

Teacher Support Document

First Level
Second Level
Third / Fourth Level
Senior Phase

Choosing Enterprise Ideas

Sustainable Development Goals Audit

Use these audit questions to determine if a social enterprise meets any requirements of the Sustainable Development Goals.

PDF document SDG Audit.pdf

Activity Resource

Second Level
Third / Fourth Level
Senior Phase

Choosing Enterprise Ideas

I can't find what I need!

As we are still populating the library, there may be some resources missing, please get in touch if you cannot find what you need or if there is something that you feel would be useful.