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We are selling seasonal drinks at our stall. We will sell different seasonal drinks for Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer. We have lots of ideas for each season but we want the children in the school to be involved to give them a choice. We have already conducted a market research survey.

Some examples of Seasonal Specials we will be selling are Chocolate Apples at Halloween, Gingerbread Men at Christmas and Easter Baskets at Easter time.

The ‘Social Hub’ will have a clothes drop, book drop, raffle, stall selling Seasonal Specials and free teas, coffees and biscuits for the community to enjoy whilst having a chat!

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Kilpatrick School

This project aims to adapt an existing cafe which has been part of the senior phase curriculum for many years by adopting the social enterprise ethos and principles. Our existing World of Work cafe has been very successful and already has a customer base which consists of staff, pupils, family and friends of Kilpatrick School

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