Topic outline

  • Learning to Change the World

    Social enterprise is an ethical model of business that combines the best of entrepreneurship with clear and purposeful social aims.

    The Understanding Social Enterprise (USE) CPD workshop, led by a social entrepreneur, provides a great introduction to social enterprise.  Whilst exploring examples, school staff gain an understanding of social enterprise and discover how they can support young people to develop their entrepreneurial and employability skills whilst they set up their own social enterprise. 

    • Why choose this CPD workshop?

      • This topic

        Workshop Details:

        Date: Thursday 15th September 2022
        Time: 16:00 - 17:30
        Location: Online (Microsoft Teams)
        Facilitator:Adele Prendergast

        Who is it for?

        This will be open to Falkirk teachers and Education Practitioners of all stages (and others working in education) who are keen to develop an understanding of social enterprise and learn more about the support available to embed a sustainable social enterprise in an education setting. Thanks to the support of the Scottish Government, we are able to deliver this workshop at no cost.

        How to register?

        If you are interested in attending, and you haven't already done so, please book your place on the Falkirk CPD Manager Website here.

        The course reference is LfS 1-2023.  As the session will be taking place on the Glow - Falkirk Learning for Sustainability Team, participants will require to join the Team prior to the session using the code: 6qv4tvl

        To ensure you have access to materials for and future support after the CPD, please sign up below. If you already have an account and are already logged in just click the next purple sign up button, if not you will be asked to log in or create an account if you are new to our learning platform.

        This will automatically enrol you onto this course and provide you with access to CPD materials and any links to online sessions ahead of your CPD.

        • Social Enterprise Schools

          Attendees of our CPD workshop are automatically enrolled onto Social Enterprise Schools where they can book pupil workshops, access a wide variety of resources and access ongoing support in developing social enterprise in their schools. (Note: You need to Sign Up above and either log in or create a new account)

          Fabulous programme! The staff who attended all went away positive and enthused, thinking of ways to engage with their students.    Aileen Goodwall

          • For more information:

            Contact: Joan Alexander, Education Manager, East
