Topic outline

  • Welcome

    Welcome to your Developing Sustainability Programme! 

    Sustainability is a key concern for third sector organisations and social enterprises. Numerous challenges face the sector, both within their own structure and how they interact in the wider environment,. Sustainability is also about how to expand and scale and develop what organisations are doing

    This programmes explore  these themes, looking at what is already working, hot to  sustain this and identifying what needs to change  at what needs to change and how to make this happen’

    We hope that this learning journey will support you to recognise the critical role you play within your team, your organisation and the sector.

    This 6-day practical programme is designed specifically for people and organisations  who are working towards positive social impact and change and want to make a contribution to the lives of people and our planet.

  • Developing Sustainability - Workbook

  • Module 1 - Strong foundations

    In this  Module we will explore building the strong foundations of your organisation, through the process of:

    •Understanding what is sustainability for your organisation
    •Identifying  your organisation’s ‘why’ and your purpose
    •Reviewing  the assets and strengths of the organisation
    •Exploring growth mind set  
    •Visioning for the future
    Here are some additional resources you may find useful for this process 

  • Module 2 - Building for sustainability

    Module 2 explores building the sustainability  of your organisation and will involve

    • a review of value proposition and customers/stakeholders
    •an examination of current and potential funding/income streams
    •building a strong team/board
    •developing partnerships/networking

    Here are the resources you will need for this module 

  • Learning Library

  • Forum

    Here you can share reflections, arrange to meet other members of your group or post useful content. 

    Please note: Please be mindful of the content you post, where possible we encourage you to anonymise any specific references to individuals. Your programme facilitator and the system administrators at the Social Enterprise Academy will have access to this forum and will be able to read your posts. 

  • Qualification: Developing Sustainability

    Your programme offers the opportunity to complete a fully accredited micro-credential in Developing Sustainability. This is a 10-credit SCQF level 9 Social Enterprise Academy qualification that is credit rated by Glasgow Caledonian University. Further information on the qualification and assessment requirements can be accessed via this link, which will take you to a dedicated SEA Developing Sustainability qualification page. The page includes a full assessment guide and all of the qualification and supporting information you will require to achieve the award.

    If there are any issues with these dates, links, or instructions please get in touch via:

  • Key Contacts