Suggested Activities and Tools Library


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Skills Assessment

A learning tool for young people to think about their skills to support them in building the social enterprise team.

PDF document Skills Assessment.pdf

Learning Tool

Second Level
Third / Fourth Level

Build the Team

Application Form

A tool for young people to demonstrate why they should work in chosen areas of the team.

PDF document Application Form.pdf

Learning Tool

Second Level
Third / Fourth Level

Build the Team

Skills Auction

Hold a skills auction (cooperative learning activity), each group represents a department and bid on what skills would be most useful within that team.

PDF document Skills Auction.pdf

Activity Resource

Second Level
Third / Fourth Level
Senior Phase

Build the Team

Department Placemats

Decide which departments are required and then use this editable file to create a placemat for each department.

Powerpoint 2007 presentation Department Placemats.pptx

Activity Resource
Learning Tool

Second Level
Third / Fourth Level
Senior Phase

Build the Team

Job Advert Examples

These examples can be used for pupils to create an job advert poster for a specific department.  After completed the skills auction they will have a better idea of what skills would be useful for each department.

PDF document Job Advert Examples.pdf

Learning Tool

Second Level
Third / Fourth Level

Build the Team

Planning Sheet for Job Application Letter

Use this planner to take notes to help write a job application letter.

PDF document Planning Sheet for Job Application Letter.pdf


Second Level
Third / Fourth Level

Build the Team

I can't find what I need!

As we are still populating the library, there may be some resources missing, please get in touch if you cannot find what you need or if there is something that you feel would be useful.