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Resource List

A learning tool to prepare for launching/trialling a social enterprise.

PDF document Resource List.pdf

Learning Tool

First Level
Second Level
Third / Fourth Level

Choosing Enterprise Ideas
Financial Education
Getting Ready to Launch/Trial

Money & Me: Introduction to Money

This handout is to support young people with a simple introduction to currency and the value and importance of money.

PDF document Money and Me Introduction to Money.pdf


Second Level
Third / Fourth Level

Financial Education

Money & Me: Earning an Income

This handout is to support young people to explore different ways you can earn money, find out more about different types of jobs and to identify reasons why having a job is important.

PDF document Money Me Earning an Income.pdf


Second Level
Third / Fourth Level

Financial Education

Money & Me: Spending

This handout is to support young people to identify the differences between buying things you want compared to what you need.  It also allows them to begin to explore what they might need to buy for their social enterprise and to consider how you can make smart choices when you spend money.

PDF document Money and Me Spending.pdf


Second Level
Third / Fourth Level

Financial Education

Money & Me: Saving and Investments

This handout is to support young people to understand how to set and plan saving goals.  It also encourages thinking and discussion about how you might persuade someone to invest in your social enterprise.

PDF document Money and Me - Savings and Investments.pdf


Second Level
Third / Fourth Level

Financial Education

Our Social Enterprise: Financial Planning

This is a useful overview handout to begin exploring how much money is needed to get started, evaluate how much you already have and how you will make money and continue to sustain the business.  This also contains prompts to where other resources ad tools could be useful.

PDF document Our Social Enterprise - Financial Planning.pdf

Learning Tool

Second Level
Third / Fourth Level

Financial Education

Our Social Enterprise: Expenses

Use this handout to learn about different types of expenses and to begin thinking about what expenses would be required to set up and run a social enterprise.

PDF document Our Social Enterprise - Expenses.pdf

Learning Tool

Second Level
Third / Fourth Level

Financial Education

Our Social Enterprise: Calculating Costs

This handout provides an example of how to calculate production costs and therefore be able to decide upon a selling price and then calculate a potential monthly income.

PDF document Our Social Enterprise - Calculating Costs.pdf

Learning Tool

Second Level
Third / Fourth Level

Financial Education

Our Social Enterprise: Our Budget

This handout provides a tool to record budgeted income and expenses.   

Other tools (Calculating Costs, Expenses and Shopping List) are useful to gather and calculate the totals required.

The final calculation indicates whether or not a social enterprise is likely to be profitable.

PDF document Our Social Enterprise - Our Budget.pdf

Learning Tool

Second Level
Third / Fourth Level

Financial Education

Transaction Records

Use this handout to practice and understand how to keep a track of ongoing transactions (Money in and Out).  This learning tool also includes a template you can use to keep a track of credits and debits when running a social enterprise.  These can be tracked weekly or monthly, depending on how regular the social enterprise runs and trades.

PDF document Transaction Records.pdf

Learning Tool

Second Level
Third / Fourth Level

Financial Education
Getting Ready to Launch/Trial
Business Planning

I can't find what I need!

As we are still populating the library, there may be some resources missing, please get in touch if you cannot find what you need or if there is something that you feel would be useful.

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