Suggested Activities and Tools Library


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Create SMART Objectives

A resource that uses the SMART objectives to enable young people to think about the main things they hope to achieve with their social enterprise.

PDF document Create SMART Objectives.pdf

Activity Resource

Second Level
Third / Fourth Level

Getting Ready to Launch/Trial

Resource List

A learning tool to prepare for launching/trialling a social enterprise.

PDF document Resource List.pdf

Learning Tool

First Level
Second Level
Third / Fourth Level

Choosing Enterprise Ideas
Financial Education
Getting Ready to Launch/Trial

Transaction Records

Use this handout to practice and understand how to keep a track of ongoing transactions (Money in and Out).  This learning tool also includes a template you can use to keep a track of credits and debits when running a social enterprise.  These can be tracked weekly or monthly, depending on how regular the social enterprise runs and trades.

PDF document Transaction Records.pdf

Learning Tool

Second Level
Third / Fourth Level

Financial Education
Getting Ready to Launch/Trial
Business Planning

Cash Flow Statement

This handout highlights how you can keep a record of accounts for a social enterprise.  Practice completing a Cash Flow Statement and explore why this might be important for the future of the business.  Use the Cash Flow Template to create your own record of accounts.

PDF document Cash Flow Statement.pdf


Second Level
Third / Fourth Level

Financial Education
Getting Ready to Launch/Trial
Business Planning

Cash Flow Template

The Cash Flow Template is a tool to use to keep a longer term record of your Income and Expenses.  It can help inform decisions for the future of a social enterprise.

PDF document Cash Flow Template.pdf

Learning Tool

Second Level
Third / Fourth Level

Financial Education
Getting Ready to Launch/Trial
Business Planning

Spider Tool

Use the spider diagram tool to organise what needs to be done, by when and by whom.  The example is organised by department, but this can be adapted.  Also included is a space to record tasks that are the responsibility of the whole class.

Powerpoint 2007 presentation Spider Tool.pptx

Learning Tool

Second Level
Third / Fourth Level
Senior Phase

Getting Ready to Launch/Trial

I can't find what I need!

As we are still populating the library, there may be some resources missing, please get in touch if you cannot find what you need or if there is something that you feel would be useful.