Our Awards

Our annual VIP Social Enterprise in Education Awards and Marketplace celebrates all the innovative, pupil-led social enterprise activity taking place throughout the year and provides an opportunity for young people to reflect on the success of their enterprise, showcase their work and demonstrate the positive impact they have made across their communities!  

What should we expect?

We usually start the day with a Marketplace, where all schools get a chance to buy and sell social enterprise products and see what other schools have been doing throughout the year (and maybe get some inspiration for next year). Then the ceremony takes place and each school gets a chance to take the stage to receive their Social Enterprise in Schools Certificate and hear from some guest speakers and even one of our wonderful school's facilitators. 

We hope this year to be able to hold our Awards as a live event, however should this not be possible we can still celebrate all the amazing work going on in schools virtually.  Our virtual Awards in 2020 and 2021 were a huge success, and we were very proud to have awarded over 100 schools.  View the Social Enterprise in Education Awards 2021, Celebrating a Year of Resilience!   

What do I need to do to nominate my school for an Award?

If your school based social enterprise meets the follow criteria, you are eligible to apply for a Social Enterprise in Education Award.

If you would like your school to be nominated for a Social Enterprise in Education Award you can apply below.  Someone from the Education Team will be in touch and will arrange to come and see your venture!

Last modified: Tuesday, 1 February 2022, 1:23 PM