Suggested Activities and Tools Library


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Research Tool

A learning tool to support young people in researching and identifying issues they care about.

PDF document Research Tool.pdf

Learning Tool

Second Level
Third / Fourth Level

Researching Issues

Butterfly Tool

A learning tool to support young people in thinking about the root causes, effects and possible actions related to a singular issue.

Powerpoint 2007 presentation Butterfly Tool.pptx

Learning Tool

First Level
Second Level
Third / Fourth Level

Researching Issues
Choosing an Issue
Action Ideas

Diamond of Importance Tool

A learning tool for young people to rank issues in terms of their perceived importance.

PDF document Diamond of Importance Tool.pdf

Learning Tool

Second Level
Third / Fourth Level

Choosing an Issue

The Marketing Mix

A learning tool to support young people to analyse their enterprise idea.

PDF document The Marketing Mix.pdf

Learning Tool

Second Level
Third / Fourth Level


Target Customer Analysis

A learning tool to support young people to find out more about target customers.

PDF document Target Customer Research.pdf

Learning Tool

Second Level
Third / Fourth Level


Customer Survey

A resource to support in gathering information about potential customers.  This is an editable file to be able to edit or add other questions.

Powerpoint 2007 presentation Customer Survey.pptx

Activity Resource

First Level
Second Level
Third / Fourth Level


SWOT Analysis

A learning tool to support in analysing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of a social enterprise idea.

PDF document SWOT Analysis.pdf

Learning Tool

Second Level
Third / Fourth Level


Skills Assessment

A learning tool for young people to think about their skills to support them in building the social enterprise team.

PDF document Skills Assessment.pdf

Learning Tool

Second Level
Third / Fourth Level

Build the Team

Application Form

A tool for young people to demonstrate why they should work in chosen areas of the team.

PDF document Application Form.pdf

Learning Tool

Second Level
Third / Fourth Level

Build the Team

Resource List

A learning tool to prepare for launching/trialling a social enterprise.

PDF document Resource List.pdf

Learning Tool

First Level
Second Level
Third / Fourth Level

Choosing Enterprise Ideas
Financial Education
Getting Ready to Launch/Trial

I can't find what I need!

As we are still populating the library, there may be some resources missing, please get in touch if you cannot find what you need or if there is something that you feel would be useful.

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