Suggested Activities and Tools Library


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Skills Pack

This tool is useful for young people to complete at the beginning, throughout and at the end of their social enterprise journey.  It highlights skills they would like to further develop and guides them to reflect on their own experiences.

PDF document Skills Pack 2020.pdf

Assessment Tool

Second Level
Third / Fourth Level
Senior Phase

MEL (Monitoring Evaluation & Learning)

Skills Pack Instructions

These instructions accompany the Skills Pack Assessment Tool.

PDF document Skills Pack Instructions.pdf

Teacher Support Document

Second Level
Third / Fourth Level
Senior Phase

MEL (Monitoring Evaluation & Learning)

Funnel Tool - Social Side

This supporting document is useful to facilitate discussions in order to agree which social or environmental issue/s you would like to focus upon.

PDF document Funnel Tool - Social Side.pdf

Teacher Support Document

First Level
Second Level
Third / Fourth Level
Senior Phase

Pupil Workshop
Choosing an Issue

Funnel Tool - Enterprise

This supporting document is useful to facilitate discussions in order to agree which enterprise activity you would like to focus upon.

PDF document Funnel Tool - Enterprise.pdf

Teacher Support Document

First Level
Second Level
Third / Fourth Level
Senior Phase

Choosing Enterprise Ideas

Business Plan Template

A template tool to use to complete your Business Plan.  Young People should complete this on their own or with any support required. (e.g. scribing)

Word 2007 document Business Plan Template.docx

Activity Resource

Early Level
First Level
Second Level
Third / Fourth Level
Senior Phase

Business Planning


An editable document to adapt the learning activity to suit the pupil requirements.

Word 2007 document Glossary Activity.docx

Activity Resource
Learning Tool

Second Level
Third / Fourth Level
Senior Phase

MEL (Monitoring Evaluation & Learning)
Understanding Social Enterprise

Triple Bottom Line

A handout about the Triple Bottom Line with a question posed to encourage further investigation into how a business might use the 3 P's to inform business decisions.

PDF document The Triple Bottom Line.pdf

Learning Tool

Second Level
Third / Fourth Level
Senior Phase

LfS No Big Deal

This activity encourages pupils to consider and discuss the importance of some environmental issues.  The document is editable so further examples and issues can be changed or added.

Powerpoint 2007 presentation LfS No Big Deal.pptx

Activity Resource

Second Level
Third / Fourth Level
Senior Phase

Identifying Issues

Skills Auction

Hold a skills auction (cooperative learning activity), each group represents a department and bid on what skills would be most useful within that team.

PDF document Skills Auction.pdf

Activity Resource

Second Level
Third / Fourth Level
Senior Phase

Build the Team

Department Placemats

Decide which departments are required and then use this editable file to create a placemat for each department.

Powerpoint 2007 presentation Department Placemats.pptx

Activity Resource
Learning Tool

Second Level
Third / Fourth Level
Senior Phase

Build the Team

I can't find what I need!

As we are still populating the library, there may be some resources missing, please get in touch if you cannot find what you need or if there is something that you feel would be useful.

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